Trade Mark Registration Guide for Australian Business Owners

Trade Mark Registrations: A Guide for Australian Business Owners The power of trade mark registrations In increasingly competitive landscapes, protecting your brand is paramount to ensuring its longevity and success.    For Australian business owners, navigating the world of intellectual property law, particularly trade mark registrations, can be daunting. With terms like trade marks, domain names, […]

Design rights stronger than ever

Design rights stronger than ever What is a registered design? Design registrations protect the appearance of products. They work by protecting the shape, configuration, pattern and/or ornamentation of an article. A person infringes a registered design if they make, import or sell a product that embodies a design that is identical to, or substantially similar […]

Cooper IP led by World Leading Patent Professional

2023 written in sand on beach

Cooper IP led by World Leading Patent Professional Key points Michael Cooper recognised in IAM Patent 1000: The World’s Leading Patent Professionals 2023.   Cooper IP continues to grow and is looking for more friendly folks to join the team. Looking back Cooper IP was established in 2018 with the vision of providing premium yet […]

Introducing the European Unitary Patent System

Introducing the European Unitary Patent System Key points The EU has introduced the Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court (UPC).   Patentees can obtain a single “unitary” patent valid across all participating EU countries.   A single action before the UPC can replace multiple parallel proceedings before national courts.   17 EU Member States are […]

Safeguard your business’s brand identity with registered trade marks

Trade mark brand protection

Safeguard your business’s brand identity with registered trade marks In a competitive business landscape, establishing a strong brand identity is crucial for standing out from the crowd. Savvy businesses invest heavily in brand awareness and ensure their brands are robustly protected via registered trade marks.   In this article, we’ll explore key strategies for building and […]

A Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining a Patent on Your Product

how to get a patent on a product

A Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining a Patent on Your Product The patent process can be complex and challenging for entrepreneurs and businesses wishing to protect their inventions in Australia and abroad.  In this post, we walk through the key steps in the patent protection process, including how to get a patent on a product. Step 1: Conduct a […]

Should I conduct a patent search?

Patent search

Should I conduct a patent search? As a business owner, you know the importance of protecting your intellectual property (IP) from competitors who might “take inspiration” from your ideas and innovations. One way to safeguard your IP is via patent protection, which grants you the exclusive right to make, use, and sell your invention for a […]

Design protection: A powerful complement to patent protection

Patent Protection

Design protection: A powerful complement to patent rights Key points The visual appearance of a physical product can be protected via a registered design right.   Securing strong design rights can be very simple and cost-effective.   Keep your product confidential until you have applied for design protection. When appearance is everything Registered designs are […]

Grace period limits: Inventor’s own disclosures kill two patents

patent protection

Grace period limits: Inventor’s own disclosures kill two patents Fuchs Lubricants (Australasia) Pty Ltd v Quaker Chemical (Australasia) Pty Ltd [2021] FCAFC 65 Need to know An invention should be confidential at the time of filing the first patent application.   “Grace periods” can protect a patent from being invalidated by earlier public disclosures of […]

The Most Costly Yet Avoidable Patent Pitfall

Patents protect

Every day we see the commercial value that patent rights bring to Australian businesses. However, we are pained by the poor utilisation of patents, and this usually stems from a misunderstanding of how patents fit within the much larger picture of an overall commercialisation strategy.