Optimise Your Patent Protection Strategy With Searching

patent protection

Every day we see the commercial value that patent rights bring to Australian businesses. However, we are pained by the poor utilisation of patents, and this usually stems from a misunderstanding of how patents fit within the much larger picture of an overall commercialisation strategy.

4 reasons not to file a patent

patent protection

Every day we see the commercial value that patent rights bring to Australian businesses. However, we are pained by the poor utilisation of patents, and this usually stems from a misunderstanding of how patents fit within the much larger picture of an overall commercialisation strategy.

What is an international PCT patent application?

patent applications

There are many hurdles, commercial decisions and costs associated with applying for and maintaining granted patents. In this post, we take a look at typical costs and how these can vary based on your invention and protection strategy.

How much does a patent cost?

patent application

Patent protection is not for the faint-hearted and there are substantial costs involved. In this post, we look at typical costs and how they vary based on your invention and protection strategy.

Inside the Federal Government’s Patent Box

patent protection strategies

Inside the Federal Government’s Patent Box Key points The 2021-22 Federal Budget introduces a ‘Patent Box’ to reduce corporate tax (to 17%) on income derived from certain Australian patents.   The Patent Box tax incentive seeks to stimulate Australian R&D and the commercialisation of technological innovations.   The specific details of the Patent Box will […]

What does a patent attorney do?

patent attorney

A patent attorney’s duties are wide and varied, but a key and specialised service they provide is the careful drafting and amending of patent specifications.

Do I need a patent attorney?

Patent Attorney

To quote from IP Australia: “The patent process from application to grant can often be an uncertain and daunting journey. For first time applicants engaging an attorney can greatly increase the chances of success.”

Will a patent attorney steal my idea?

registered patent attorney

If you have concerns about whether a patent attorney might try and capitalise on your invention for themselves, you’ll you want to read on. In this post, we dispel any doubt that a patent attorney would do such a thing.

3 questions to help you find the right patent attorney for your business

Patent attorneys

The best patent attorneys not only understand your invention to the point where they can make meaningful contributions to your prototype, they are also armed with an endless arsenal of words, terms and phrases which can be wielded to encompass the ocean or thread a needle, depending on how broadly or precisely your invention needs to be defined.